For The Catastrophically Injured
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Senators' Messages

Shelley Moore Capito
United States Senator
Sergeant Vance died honorably in service
to his country.
On September 11, newly married and just beginning a new semester at West Virginia University, he put his studies and his honeymoon on hold to fight terror in the name of freedom..
His story of leaving his home to be called to help fight the war on terrorism is the story of many other men and women who serve...
Their heroic and noble dedication is an invaluable part of America’s work in defending liberty."
"The Gene Vance Jr. Foundation
has a great deal to offer
and promising ideas..helping to
move us in the right direction"

John D. Rockefeller IV
United States Senator
" Gene Vance died for a just and noble cause..
He was prepared to put himself on the line for America, for Americans, and for the society in which he wanted you to live...
We in the Senate who have devoted ourselves to serving America and strengthening America recognize a kindred spirit, and are awed by the sacrifice he was prepared to make for the goals we share.
" Again, I extend my congratulations and thanks to the Gene Vance Jr. Foundation
as we celebrate its 10th anniversary of supporting our nation’s heroes."

Senator Joe Manchin III
United States Senator
..we need to remember that in an era of all-volunteer forces, the important decisions to defend America are made not just here in Washington but in households throughout our nation, where fine men and women decide they are prepared to put their life on the line for America, to fight for American values and defend American interests.
What makes some fine Americans feel so deeply their love for our country that they are prepared to risk their life for it? We can never know that. What we can know -- and must never forget -- is that we Americans who enjoy the freedoms and comforts that our society provides live in their debt.
..we are reminded yet again that America’s strength is built on the quiet individual decisions of hundreds of thousands of Americans -- that America is a society worth fighting for,
and in extreme circumstances a society worth dying for."