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The LEGACY of Gene Arden Vance Jr.

Defense Language Institute, Presidio of Monterey, California

Vance Barracks at Presidio of Monterey is a military structure that houses students of the Defense Language Institute (DLI).
The institute’s foreign language center is the primary tenant organization of the United States Army garrison Presidio of Monterey (POM) located in Monterey, California about 117 miles south of San Francisco, on the Pacific coast of the United States of America.
The barracks are named for Gene Arden Vance Jr., a US Special Forces graduate of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) who, despite being critically wounded, used his language skills to help save the lives of two fellow Americans and 18 Afghani soldiers during the War in Afghanistan (2001–14). Vance was the first alumni of DLIFLC to be killed in combat since the terrorist attacks on the US of September 2001.
The Barrack’s plaque, features Vance’s face sculpted in bronze with an inscription dedicated to his life and achievements.
Construction of the 2,823,098 sq. ft. barracks was overseen by the US Army Corps of Engineers and was completed in 2006 at an estimated cost of $8,800,000. The barracks were constructed to help improve the living conditions for DLI students and were specially designed to protect the occupants in the case of collapse by localizing failures without the continued collapse of the overall building.
A Ribbon–Cutting Ceremony marking the official opening of Vance Barracks took place on Friday, Aug. 25, 2006.

Bagram, Afghanistan

Camp Vance, Afghanistan is 1.4 km from the airfield at Bagram Air Base and was established by the United States Department of Defense to headquarter the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force (CJSOTF).
The camp is named for Gene Arden Vance Jr., a member of the US Special Forces (Airborne) and a cryptologic linguist who, despite being critically wounded, help save the lives of two fellow Americans and 18 Afghani soldiers during the hunt for Osama Bin Laden in the War in Afghanistan (2001–14).
Camp Vance is headquartered by US Special Forces troops whose core tasks include advising the Afghan National Army’s special operations forces and local police, training forces associated with the Village Stability Operations (VSO) and counterinsurgency (COIN) - a strategy that establishes expanding security and stability in rural villages. The camp also controls highly specialized battalion-level task forces built around Army Special Forces, infantry, a Marine special operations battalion and a Navy SEAL team.
The mission of the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force at Camp Vance and Bagram Air Base includes denying terrorist sanctuaries in Afghanistan that threaten western interests.

344TH Military Intelligence Battalion
Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo, Texas

Goodfellow Air Force base in Texas named the 344th Military Intelligence Battalion Headquarters Building on West Vance Street the "Vance-Nolan Military Intelligence Building" honoring two American soldiers:

Staff Sgt. Vance of Morgantown, West Virginia, who was the first U.S. Army graduate of Goodfellow Air Force Base's cryptologic training to be killed in action while taking part in Operation Enduring Freedom and
Sgt. Joseph M. Nolan of Waterbury, Connecticut who was the first U.S. Army graduate of the Goodfellow Air Force Base's cryptologic training to be killed in action while taking part in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Wall Mural in color in the gallery
named a portion of the Deckers Creek Trail which is part of the city's historical rail trail
the vance mile
City of Morgantown, West Virginia

The State of West Virginia named the Oceana Junction Bridge at the intersection of State Route 85 and State Route 10 the
SSG Gene arden vance jr.
memorial bridge
Oceana, West Virginia

Designated a memorial highway on the15th anniversary year of 9/11in Vance's honor named the
Gene Arden Vance Jr Memorial Drive
City of Morgantown, West Virginia

The SSG Gene Arden Vance Jr.&
SG Deforest Lee Talbert
Hall of Honor
Camp Dawson, Kingwood West Virginia

The SSG Gene Arden Vance Jr and SG DeForest Lee Talbert Hall of Honor is located inside the Camp Dawson Headquarters building and was dedicated in tribute to honor these two American soldiers displaying all the flags of the world atop the wall that prominently bears their names. Sgt. DeForest L. Talbert of Charleston, W.Va. died on Jul. 27, 2004, while serving in operation Iraqi Freedom.

Rutherfordton, North Carolina
the United States Patent and Trademark Office
registered the trademark
"Bud's Bold Brew Coffee"
that contained a portrait of Vance in his honor.